Package-level declarations
holdIn allows to switch a layout with no enter transition.
holdOut allows to switch a layout with no exit transition.
materialElevationScaleIn allows to switch a layout with elevation scale enter transition.
materialElevationScaleOut allows to switch a layout with elevation scale exit transition.
materialFadeIn allows to switch a layout with a fade-in animation.
materialFadeOut allows to switch a layout with a fade-out animation.
materialFadeThrough allows to switch a layout with a fade through animation.
materialFadeThroughIn allows to switch a layout with fade through enter transition.
materialFadeThroughOut allows to switch a layout with fade through exit transition.
materialSharedAxisX allows to switch a layout with shared X-axis transition.
materialSharedAxisXIn allows to switch a layout with shared X-axis enter transition.
materialSharedAxisXOut allows to switch a layout with shared X-axis exit transition.
materialSharedAxisY allows to switch a layout with shared Y-axis transition.
materialSharedAxisYIn allows to switch a layout with shared Y-axis enter transition.
materialSharedAxisYOut allows to switch a layout with shared Y-axis exit transition.
materialSharedAxisZ allows to switch a layout with shared Z-axis transition.
materialSharedAxisZIn allows to switch a layout with shared Z-axis enter transition.
materialSharedAxisZOut allows to switch a layout with shared Z-axis exit transition.
Returns the provided Dp as an Int value by the LocalDensity.
translateXIn allows to switch a layout with a translate animation as x axis.
translateXOut allows to switch a layout with a translate animation as x axis.
translateYIn allows to switch a layout with a translate animation as y axis.
translateYOut allows to switch a layout with a translate animation as y axis.